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15MB Data Per Day For £1 From Vodafone In June


Posted on Connected Internet - tech, mobile and gaming news.

I got a call back from Vodafone as they were a bit concerned about a customer survey I’d completed where I’d given them 2 out of 10 overall. I explained that one of my beefs was because of the current high £2.35/MB data charges and I said that the new tariffs in June had better be good or I was transferring to T-Mobile when my contract ended.

The rep I spoke to told me about the new tariffs coming in June to try and appease me, and they are definitely a step in the right direction:

  • Each day, once £1 or 1/2 MB used then up to 15MB can be used thereafter with no extra charge
  • Once 15MB used then pricing reverts to new lower price of £2/MB rather than £2.35/MB
  • New data packages that will provide daily transfer bundles, including a new ‘Unlimited’ package

I think the new pricing structure is quite innovative as it will allow users to experiment with online services without users having to worry too much about their daily bills. 15MB each day for a pound should keep all but the most extreme users happy, who will still face big data bills unless they go for one of the new data packages.

My current monthly data usage is around 40MB and my bills can hit £90. With the new tariffs the worst my bills could ever hit is £30 which would allow me to use 450MB/pm rather than 40MB/pm. My bills will be even less if I signup for one of the new bundles.

All I need now is a good price on my Nokia N95 upgrade and I’ll be very happy. Hopefully Vodafone will still have me marked down as a churn risk in the summer, so that I get another free upgrade!

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