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What Phone Should I Replace My Nokia N80 With?


Posted on Connected Internet - tech, mobile and gaming news.

Nokia N95

I’m coming up to my mobile phone anniversary, so I’m starting to think about what I should replace my Nokia N80 with. Usually I know exactly what phone I want to go for next, but this time I’m at a bit of a loss as I haven’t been paying much attention to handset launches recently?

Should i go for the excellent Nokia N95 or should I get something a bit smaller? My key requirements are 3G access, bluetooth modem, good SMS handling and a good battery.

What Phone Should I Replace My Nokia N80 With? is a post from Connected Internet - tech, mobile and gaming news. - Updated daily with the latest news, tips, tweaks, social networking, wordpress tips & tweaks, windows optimization help and more.. Visit Connected Internet - tech, mobile and gaming news. for more articles.

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