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How Much Do You Spend On Gadgets Per Year?


Posted on Connected Internet - tech, mobile and gaming news.

How much do you spend on gadgets per year? How much have you spent already this year? A study conducted by the Consumer Electronics Association (CEA) has determined that the average American household spends approximately $1,200 annually on electronics products:

According to the study, televisions are the most popular consumer electronics product, and can be found in 92 percent of American households. HDTVs, which significantly increased in popularity this past year, can already be found in 25 percent of American households. Mobile phones, which are owned by 76 percent of American households, are also amongst the most common consumer electronics devices.

Sometimes I try to not think about how much I spend on Gadgets, although I don’t think I’m as bad as some people. I think last year was an expensive year for me as I built a new PC, and built my Home Cinema setup. This year I’ve spent more than I was expecting as I purchased a laptop and a PS3 which I wasn’t planning on doing, and also a Home Theatre PC to solve my HD problems (I haven’t used this yet as I’m still waiting for Creative to send me the correct audio cable). Other purchases include a HDMI switch, a Lacie 1TB external drive and a Nokia N95, which means my Dell X51V PDA, TomTom6 and Nokia N80 will be going on eBay.

I don’t think I will be buying anything more this year, although I’ve got a new car coming in September and I’ve only just realised that although I can use the GPS functionality in my Nokia N95, unlike my Dell X51V+Tom Tom 6 Combo it won’t show me the locations of speed cameras. I’ve got 6 points on my driving licence (although 3 points will be removed in August) and another 6 points will get me banned, so I need to be careful.

What new gadgets are you going to buy this year, or would like to buy?

How Much Do You Spend On Gadgets Per Year? is a post from Connected Internet - tech, mobile and gaming news. - Updated daily with the latest news, tips, tweaks, social networking, wordpress tips & tweaks, windows optimization help and more.. Visit Connected Internet - tech, mobile and gaming news. for more articles.

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