Posted on Connected Internet - tech, mobile and gaming news.
What online service couldn’t you live without? According to ICM, 50% of 25-24 year olds in the UK couldn’t survive without email. The survey also found tht 41% of teenagers said that they relied on e-mail and 44% of 35 to 44-year-olds said that email was vital.
I have to admit that I probably check my email probably every 10-15 minutes when I’m awake (It’s also one of the first things I do when I wake up, sometimes even the first if my laptop’s in the bedroom. ), even more so since I got my Nokia N95. It probably would be more efficient to set my Nokia N95 to chime whenever I get a new message, but I’ve never had much joy setting up POP3 access with gmail. Plus, POP3 doesn’t allow me to flag spam messages, whereas the great gmail java client does, and it also maintains message threads.
If I had to choose a second service I couldn’t live without it would be Usenet access. I rely on Usenet for a lot of content – almost everyday.
What Online Service Or Site Couldn’t You Live Without? is a post from Connected Internet - tech, mobile and gaming news. - Updated daily with the latest news, tips, tweaks, social networking, wordpress tips & tweaks, windows optimization help and more.. Visit Connected Internet - tech, mobile and gaming news. for more articles.